Annual Visit to Pyrenees SF – 10th – 11th August 2024

Join Jose and Club 4×4 for his annual 2-day visit to the Pyrenees State Forest for an opportunity to spend the night in this little-visited park, drive some challenging tracks and enjoy the stunning views.

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Overview
Location:Pyrenees State Forest
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

Join Jose on his annual 2-day visit to the Pyrenees State Forest for an opportunity to spend the night in this little-visited park, drive some challenging tracks and enjoy the stunning views.

We will meet on Saturday, August at 10 am at the Shear Delights Bakery in 105 High St, Avoca, 2-2.5 hrs from Melbourne northern suburbs. From there we will drive to the Pyrenees and explore a few tracks (Old Bluff, Fraser, The “Tiger tracks”, Emery, North Glenpatrick, Turpin, Old Slate, Nowhere). We will spend the night bushcamping in a site along Landsborough Ridge Track (NO TOILETS). On March the 5th we will do some more driving before returning to Melbourne. If time permits and people feel inclined to it we may have lunch in Avoca.

Start Location:Shear Delights Bakery, 105 High St, Avoca
Finish Location:Somewhere South or East of Pyrenees SF
Brief directions to meeting point:

Follow the M8 to Ballarat, then the B220 (Sunraysia Highway) to Avoca. Shear Delights Bakery is on the main street of town. It should be a 2-2.5 hrs drive from Melbourne Northers suburbs

Trip Date/Time
Start Date:10/08/2024
Start Time:10:00 AM
End Date:11/08/2024
End Time:01:00 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:01/08/2024
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Medium/Difficult
Trip Planning:We've been there before
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:6
Any specific requirements?

Full tank of fuel; food, water, warm clothing and camping equipment for 2 days/1 night; recovery equipment as per the club trip rules for Medium/Difficult-rated trips; tyre deflator and compressor; AT/MT tyres in good condition; UHF radio (preferably not just hand-held). As mentioned in the trip description, the campsite has NO TOILET FACILITIES.

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:jose Villadangos

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