The Dunes of Wyperfeld – March 2018

Join Club 4×4 and Mark (on his inaugural trip as a trip leader) as well as Geoff and Ralf (on his inaugural trip as a trip leader) to explore the dunes of Wyperfeld National Park and Big Desert State Forest. We’ll be running two trips so please see the trip notice for details.

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Location
Location:Wyperfeld National Park and Big Desert State Forest
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

This trip will be split up into two groups.

Group One will be a more scenic trip travelling through Wyperfeld National Park and Big Desert State Forest.

Group Two will be more of a driving trip focused on those attending the Madigan Line Trip or someone wanting to do a Simpson Desert Trip.

When booking please specify which trip you would be interested in.

Group One:

The plan is to travel the tracks of Wyperfeld National Park and Big Desert State Forest, the trip will be aiming for a slower pace with a focus on exploring the National Park and State Forest.

Day 1:
Full tank of fuel to start at Hopetoun.
Follow the roads and tracks to Wirrengren Plain via Lake Albacutya.
Camp at Snowdrift picnic area and campground which has toilets and may have water but not suitable to drink.
Depending on time some sightseeing around Snowdrift

Day 2:
Head north to the top of the National park and head west into Big Desert state park to our second campsite which is Big Billy Bore.
Sightseeing along the way time permitting.
Big Billy campground also has toilets and water but water is not suitable to drink.

Day 3:
Explore the tracks north of Big Billy Bore campground before returning to Big Billy Bore campground for a second night.
We can also head into Pinnaroo for fuel if required.

Day 4:
We will make our way towards Nhill for the end of the trip via Chinaman Well track.

Group Two:

Day 1:
Full tank of fuel to start at Hopetoun.
Follow the road to Lake Albacutya and off to Big Billy Bore to camp the night.

Day 2, 3 and 4:
Play on the big sand dune near Big Billy Bore and make our way towards the north west to find somewhere to camp. We wont drive directly there but do a few of the tracks around the center of the park first. We'll do a bit of playing on dunes if necessary to simulate heavier fuel usage and depending on time may go down the Border Track staying at Red Bluff before heading back to Melbourne on Monday.

Start Location:Mallee Bush Retreat, Lake Lascelles, Hopetoun
Finish Location:Nhill/Hopetoun
Brief directions to meeting point:

The trip officially starts Friday morning, but we will be meeting Thursday evening in Hopetoun (see additional comments for accommodation details).
From Hopetoun turn right at the IGA into Austin St the campground is about 300m down on the right hand side.

Trip Times
Start Date:30/03/2018
Start Time:09:00 AM
End Date:02/04/2018
End Time:12:30 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:11/03/2018
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Medium
Trip Planning:This is an exploratory trip based on some local knowledge and/or online research of track conditions
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:12
Any specific requirements?

Air compressor and tyre gauge.
Maxtrax or similar (optional).
Sand flag (optional).
Food and drinking water for 4 days.
Rated recovery points.
Recovery gear as per club rules.
All-terrain tyres, highway terrain tyres will not withstand the sand and track hazards.

Enough fuel for the drive. Fuel (Unleaded and Diesel) is available 24hrs at Hopetoun. There is a credit card facility for payment. Is it expected that you will fill up on the Thursday night to start Friday morning with a full tank of fuel.
We can travel on Sunday morning for fuel if required.

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:Mark Daniels/Geoff Aldridge/Ralf Weber

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