Frenchmans Creek – March 2017

Join Rob and Club 4×4 in an exploratory venture into Big River and the beautiful middle High Country taking in Frenchmans Creek and Woods Point.


Departing early on Saturday, the plan will be to meet at Marysville Bakery for breakfast then venture into the Big River State Forest for the weekend before popping out to the east at Woods Point (Trip area [1]).  Trip will start and finish at Marysville and the exploratory nature of the trip means we don’t know what’s in store grading wise, but the views will be amazing!

Saturday Tracks:

Sunday Tracks:

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Location
Location:Frenchmans Creek to Woods Point
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

This is an exploratory trip. Starting in Marysville on Saturday morning. Heading up Eildon/Warburton rd to Big River rd then head inland towards Woodspoint. Camp along the river on Saturday night

Start Location:Marysville
Finish Location:Marysville
Brief directions to meeting point:

Start at Marysville Country Bakery. 17 Murchison st Marysville at 8.30 am. To get there, travel through Healesville on the Maroondah highway. Turn right on the Marysville rd. This should take 1hr 40min from Bundoora. Get there a bit early have a coffee and a cake before we start.

Trip Times
Start Date:04/03/2017
Start Time:08:30 AM
End Date:05/03/2017
End Time:04:00 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:18/02/2017
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Medium/Difficult
Trip Planning:This is an exploratory trip based on some local knowledge and/or online research of track conditions
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:8
Any specific requirements?

Just the usual recovery gear CB Radio and full tank of fuel and food

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:Robert Wallace

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URLs in this post:

[1] Trip area:,146.0825054,12z

[2] OpenStreetMap:

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