Murray Sunset N.P. – September 2018

Join Club 4×4 and Mark on an exploration of the Murray Sunset National Park.

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Location
Location:Murray Sunset National Park
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

An explorative trip through Murray Sunset National Park, leaving from Hopetoun Friday morning and heading into the north eastern section of the park.

Ruff itinerary: (As always, subject to track conditions and speed we are tackling the tracks!)

Friday, Hopetoun to Nowingi entering the park on Nowingi Line Track, exploring the Nowingi line (old mostly removed train line), gypsum mines and Rocket Lake, possibly camp Pheenys Track Camp (a good spot from which to watch the hues of the surrounding landscape deepen during one of the park’s famous desert sunsets – I read online).

Saturday, head towards Shearers Quarters and Mount Crozier Camp.

Sunday, head towards the Pink lakes and out of the park towards Underbool to finish the trip.

The focus of the trip will be more exploration and sight seeing, so we may limit the trip to only the eastern side of the park (without Pheenys track and Shearers Quarters) if we take our time around Rocket lake etc, happy for all you photographers to come along and take some nice photos! (Don't forget about the photo comp!)

We will aim to camp at camp sites with toilets, there will be no facilities between camps, and no potable water will be available.

Start Location:Mallee Bush Retreat, Lake Lascelles, Hopetown
Finish Location:Underbool
Brief directions to meeting point:

The trip officially starts Friday morning, but we will be meeting Thursday evening in Hopetoun (see additional comments for accommodation details).

Trip Times
Start Date:28/09/2018
Start Time:08:00 AM
End Date:30/09/2018
End Time:01:00 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:04/08/2018
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Medium
Trip Planning:This is an exploratory trip based on some local knowledge and/or online research of track conditions
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:6
Any specific requirements?

- Air compressor and tyre gauge
- MaxTrax or equivalent (if you have them)
- Shovel
- Enough fuel for 3 day’s sand driving.
- Drinking water for 3 days
- Front and Rear rated recovery points
- Snatch strap
- Tyre Repair kit
- All Terrain tyres

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:Mark Daniels

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