Nunniong Ozd – 24-27 January2020

Join Club 4×4 and Jose for a trip around Nunniong S.F. this Australia day long weekend.

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Location
Location:Nunniong State Forest
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

The Australia Day holiday is on January 27, an opportunity to escape the city and join Jose for what is becoming a club staple of three-day long weekends: an exploration of the Nunniong State Forest, East of Swifts Creek.


We will meet in the Caltex petrol station in Longwarry on Friday, January 24 at 6:30 pm and drive to the Tambo Crossing campsite on the Great Alpine Road. It will be a 3-hour drive so we should depart at 7:00 pm at the latest. Note traffic to Longwarry may be (even) heavier than usual this Friday. If you prefer you can drive to the campsite on your own, but please notify trip leader. There are no toilets at Tambo Crossing but there is a tiny campsite with toilets 4km south along the Great Alpine Rd, at the crossing with Collins Rd.

On Saturday we will drive north passing Mt Elizabeth and Mt Wong, tackle “Ralston Tk” (named after the club member who discovered it) and Cooks Break Tk, ascend to Mt. Nugong and spend the night in the Bentleys Plain Campsite (which has toilets). The campsite is not big and there may be extra campers on this long weekend, so it may be a bit cramped but hopefully it will be fine. There is a big covered area with benchtops suitable for cooking, so we may need a smaller footprint than usual. Several of the tracks we will be do this day are rated Difficult/Very Difficult.

On Sunday (OZ day) we will explore the region north of Bentleys Plain aiming for the Native Dog or Limestone Creek camp areas, both of which have toilets. This will be a truly exploratory day because we have little information on the tracks in that region.

On Monday (Observed OZ day) we will explore a little more around the Limestone Creek area then drive to Benambra, where the trip will end around noon. It should be a 5-6 hr drive from there to Melbourne. As most of us live north the preferred route is through Bright and the M31. We expect a lot of drivers coming back from Sheepyard Flat 🙂 so be aware of possible traffic delays on Monday evening.

Start Location:Caltex Longwarry
Finish Location:Benambra
Brief directions to meeting point:

Follow the M1 (Princess Highway) East and take 4th exit to Sands Rd in Longwarry. Park next to Hungry Jack’s, adjacent to the Caltex servo.

Trip Times
Start Date:24/01/2020
Start Time:06:30 PM
End Date:27/01/2020
End Time:12:00 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:16/12/2019
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Difficult/Very Difficult
Trip Planning:This is an exploratory trip based on some local knowledge and/or online research of track conditions
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:8
Any specific requirements?

Full tank of fuel (and see “Additional Comments” below); food, water, warm clothing and camping equipment for 3 days; recovery equipment as per the club trip rules for Difficult/Very Difficult-rated trips (winch may be required), tyre deflator and compressor; UHF radio (preferably not just walkie-talkie). As mentioned in the trip description, we will camp one night, possibly two, at sites without toilet facilities.

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:Jose Villadangos

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