Portland Sand Dunes and Surrounds Getaway – 21st – 25th Sept 2024

Join Jacob and Club 4×4 for a Trip to the Portland Dune Buggy Club. The Portland Dune Buggy Club have been looking after and maintaining the campgrounds and dunes since the 60’s. This is an awesome chance to do some sand dune driving and also visit a few of the sites in the local area.

Please read the Trip Details carefully for all of the details.

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Overview
Location:Portland Sand Dunes
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

G'day everyone! I am planning a trip over to the Portland Sand Dunes!

Before I get onto the trip itinerary I have to mention that there is a cost involved in this trip it is $80 per vehicle. That includes your camping fee for x4 nights and also your permit to drive on the dunes. This fee is payed to the Portland Dune Buggy Club as they have been looking after and maintaining the campgrounds and dunes since the 60's. You don't have to worry about paying this fee directly too them. I will get into touch with all coming closer to the date and will hopefully make it to a club meeting prior to discuss.

- This trip is going to be a base camp style trip over 4 nights.
- The campground has a toilet and possibly a shower, I'm going to organise the shower bit with the dune buggy club, it may or may not be there as it is owned by them and comes on a trailer.
- The campground is Caravan and Camper trailer friendly to feel free to bring them along if you wish.
- Sand flags are a must! I am also going to try and organise this with the dune buggy club as they have a different type of flag they require us to use.

This is the link for the dune buggy's club set of bylaws so everyone can have a read: https://www.portlanddunebuggyclub.com.au/bylaws.htm

DAY 1:
The first day will just be about meeting up at the campground and setting up for our stay mainly. I will aim to be there myself around 10am.

Play in the Dunes!! + Relaxing (Maybe a beach day too depends on weather lol)

Play in the Dunes!! + Relaxing (Maybe a beach day too depends on weather lol)

Touring Day! We will wake up, air up our tyres and tour the local area, there are caves to see, lookouts to go to, a beautiful café on the beach to grab a brew at and other places along the way. we could also go back in the dunes depending on time.

Trip ends and we head home.

Plans may change while we are at camp as I am very easy and flexible. this is a base camp trip after all so nothing is set in concrete : )

Start Location:Swan Lake, Mt Richmond, Victoria
Finish Location:Swan Lake, Mt Richmond, Victoria
Brief directions to meeting point:

more than likely you will be coming from the east heading west down "Portland-Nelson Rd" make a left onto "Telegraph Rd" then a right onto "Swan Lake Rd" keep following that around until you get to Swan Lake camping grounds. There should be Parks Victoria signs as your coming into the camp grounds. It is also searchable by simply typing "Swan Lake" into google maps it is located in "Mt Richmond"

Trip Date/Time
Start Date:21/09/2024
Start Time:12:00 PM
End Date:25/09/2024
End Time:12:00 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:30/04/2024
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Medium/Difficult
Trip Planning:We've been there before
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:10
Any specific requirements?

Recovery gear, UHF Radio, Compressor and deflator, Rated recovery points, Food and water for 4 days, Sand flag

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:Jacob Vassallo

Article printed from Club 4×4: http://club4x4.org.au

URL to article: http://club4x4.org.au/portland-sand-dunes-and-surrounds-getaway-21st-25th-sept-2024/

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