The trip before the Xmas Party Dec 2014

Join Arron for a day trip on the 6th Dec to Mt Robinson to explore some of the recently opened tracks finishing up at Camp No 1 at Mt Dissapointment for those of you that want to camp over night.

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Location
Location:Kinglake/Mt. Dissapointment
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

I am planning to head off from Flying Tarts in Kinglake for Mt Robinson for an explore and then on into Mt Disapointment. As a lot of the tracks have only just been opened I don't know what to expect so please bring along a good sense of humour and a sense of adventure. I am planning to finish the day at the site where the Christmas party will be held the next day. So if the weather is good you may want to bring your tent and camp for the night, if you are camping for the night please don't forget to check if you need to book the site and pay.
I won't be camping so if anyone wants to head home they are also welcome to follow me out.

Start Location:888 Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd, Kinglake West
Finish Location:Camp Site 1
Brief directions to meeting point:

Flying Tarts is between Kinglake West and Kinglake on the left hand side of the road.

Trip Times
Start Date:06/12/2014
Start Time:08:30 AM
End Date:06/12/2014
End Time:04:00 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:24/11/2014
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Medium/Difficult
Trip Planning:This is an exploratory trip based on some local knowledge and/or online research of track conditions
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:10
Any specific requirements?

The usual recovery gear will be needed and if you are camping don't forget your camping gear and food as there is nowhere close by to grab some tucker.

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:Arron Garlick

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