Little Desert Trip – 4th-6th Nov 2022

For those who have to work the Monday before the Melbourne Cup, join Mark for a trip through Little Desert NP.

This will be a great time to be in the desert as there has been a lot of rain and the desert will be in full bloom.

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Overview
Location:Little Desert National Park
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

First trip to Little Desert - It's all new to me out there!
For this trip we'll be concentrating on the Eastern and Central blocks.
We'll meet in Kiata opposite the Little Desert Hotel before making our way into Kiata Campground in Little Desert N.P.

Saturday night we will aim to bush camp at Red Gum Swamp in the North part of the Central Block.

Sunday we will explore some more of the park and end the trip in Gymbowen to the south of the park.

Start Location:Kiata
Finish Location:Gymbowen
Brief directions to meeting point:

Follow the M8/A8 Western Hwy from the M80 Ring Road to Kiata via Horsham, opposite the Little Desert Hotel is an area to pull over off the road near the bus stop.

Trip Date/Time
Start Date:04/11/2022
Start Time:09:00 PM
End Date:06/11/2022
End Time:02:00 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:25/10/2022
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Easy/Medium
Trip Planning:This is an exploratory trip based on some local knowledge and/or online research of track conditions
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:6
Any specific requirements?

Water, food and fuel for two days in the desert as there is none where we are going, last fuel Horsham.

Recovery gear appropriate for sand driving:
- Snatch Strap
- Max-Trax/Treds or similar (if you have them)
- Air Compressor

Warm clothes as it can get very cold at night.

Toiletries as there will likely be no toilets at the camp site Saturday night.

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:Mark Daniels

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