Club 4×4 has turned One…
This was a great day to celebrate a fantastic first year as Club 4×4 and to catch up with all the members before the festive season madness.
Location: No. 1 Camp Mt Disappointment State Forest
Trip Leader: Club 4×4 Committee
Trip Rating: Easy
Trip Dates: 1st Dec 2013
The Plan:
Festive Fourby:
Get out the tinsel, reindeer antlers, flashing lights and elf ears to make your 4wd the most festive fourby, with the winner to be chosen by Santa Claus himself!
4WD Treasure Hunt (10:00-12:00):
Teams of 1 vehicle each must answer a multiple choice question; getting the right answer will bring you to the location of the next question, getting the wrong answer will lead you in the wrong direction! The challenge is 1) it to get each question right 2) to figure out where the location of the next question is on the map and 3) to figure out the easiest/most direct route to the next question. The winner will be the first team back at base camp with the correct answer to each of the questions. The route will be suitable for all 4wd vehicles and all drivers. Forest maps will be supplied to each team.
Family Games (13:00-14:00):
We have heaps of games planned for members of all ages, including:
o Egg & Spoon Race
– No superglue or blue tack allowed!
o Four Legged Race
– No it’s not a typo, groups of three compete in a four legged race
o Wheelbarrow Race
– Don’t be rushing to Bunnings, there are no wheelbarrows involved in this race!
o Running Race
– The classic, yet always fun field race
o Egg Throwing
– No hard boiled eggs allowed so throw gently!
Visit from Santa (14:00-14:15):
Yes its Santa, all the way from Lapland, making a special appearance from his busy schedule just for Club 4×4. Santa will also judge the Festive Fourby competition.
Blind 4WD Slalom Course (14:15-15:30):
A blindfolded driver must be directed by their nominated and well trusted navigator through a slalom course and finally reverse into a marked spot. Must be completed within a set time. Fastest to complete the course wins, but be careful, time is deducted for hitting bollards.