Join Club 4×4 and Kawa (Kev) for an overnight camp cooking event
Mount Franklin Reserve
Head to Daylesford either via Woodend or Ballan
Then head north along the Midland Hwy for about 10km
Turn right into Mount Franklin Rd which leads to the campground
An overnight trip to Mount Franklin Reserve (free camping) for a camp cooking session.
So dust off the utensils and pans, dig out the old recipes and come along and share the numerous dishes provided by the talented closet chef’s among us.
The idea is to provide a dish to share which has been cooked onsite in any way you choose. That may be on your gas burner, a frying pan over the fire or the good old camp oven, it’s up to you.
Saturday 10th September 2022, from 10am
The intention is to cook from about 2pm in order to eat at about 6pm
Sunday 11th September 2022, whenever you want
4WD vehicle NOT required.
Caravan and camper accessible.
All food, drink and camping gear for an overnight stay.
Cooking equipment and ingredients to make your favourite camp cooking dish.
Drinking water. The reserve has tank water that is not potable.
Please bring some firewood as there is none available onsite.
Toilet facilities are available onsite.
Unlimited numbers.
All current General and Prospective members.
You are also invited to bring along non member friends and family to show them what Club 4×4 is about.
Please submit a booking using the Trip Booking Form so that we know what size area is required.
If your friend or family member is bringing their car, please make a note of this in the comments section.
Hope to see you there!