Club Meeting – September 2023

The next Club4x4 General Meeting is on Monday 18th September@ 6.45pm for pre-drinks and a 7pm start. There have been lots of trips recently and many more planned so come along to hear all about them from our Trip Leaders and talk about all things 4WD!

As always, we want your feedback and to hear your suggestions on how we can improve our meetings so that they deliver what members want most. Please email your feedback to

May be an image of jeep

AGM – August 2023

Dear Members,

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the financial year 2022-2023 will be held on Monday, August 21, 2023 at the Greensborough RSL, 111 Main St, Greensborough, starting at 7:00 PM. This is the most important meeting of the year and it is very important for the Club that you attend. We require sufficient attendance for the meeting to be valid. Please do not miss it.

Catering (dinner) will be provided from 6pm onwards and paid for by the Club. It will consist of a variety of shared platters. Drinks are at members’ cost. If you prefer you can also order your own dinner at your own cost.

Special door prizes –  There will be a chance to win one of three door prizes including 2 x $50 vouchers from our new sponsor, Opposite Lock, as well as a Darche ‘cold mountain’ sleeping bag (valued at $299) also donated by Opposite Lock.

The meeting will start at 7:00 pm sharp.

*Please note that you can now join on your computer or mobile app

Please check your email sent out on the 31st July that included the following documents:

  • AGM 2023 Agenda
  • Minutes of the 2022 AGM. The minutes will be subject to members approval (vote).
  • 2022-2023 Annual Report. It contains a summary of our activities, membership numbers, financial details and much more. A great source of information. The AR will be subject to members approval (vote).
  • Included in the AR is the Financial Statement for 2022-2023, signed by the Treasurer, Secretary and President. The financial statement will be subject to members approval (vote)
  • Proxy Voting Form
  • Club Officer Nomination Form
  • Description of Club Officers roles

The following Club Officer positions are elected every year. You can nominate any Club4x4 Inc member, including yourself, to any position. Descriptions of the Officers’ roles are included in the documents sent to you in an email on the 31st July. You may also want to contact the current officer (name and e-mail addressed indicated) if you want to discuss more details about the role.


Look forward to seeing you all on Monday August 21st at 7pm

Club Meeting & Special General Meeting – February 2023


Please come along to the next Club4x4 Meeting and Special General Meeting this Monday 20th February 2023 @ 6.45pm for pre-drinks and a 7pm start.

The Special General Meeting will commence at 7:00pm sharp and has been called to appoint a new Treasurer. Following this brief meeting we will move onto our usual meeting agenda at 7:15pm.

It’s been a few months since we have all caught up so it would be great if you can make it!

Location: Greensborough RSL – 111 Main Street, Greensborough


  • 6:45pm – pre-dinner drinks
  • 7:00pm – Special General Meeting – to appoint a new club treasurer
  • 7:15pm – Club Meeting


Monthly Meeting – Monday 18th July 2022

Come and join us for our July Monthly Meeting with guest speaker Robert Pepper!

Robert Pepper is a motoring journalist, author, photographer and driver trainer, specialising in off-road vehicles, towing, camping, tech and sportscars and will be joining our meeting to talk to us about ‘The Future of Electric Cars’.

For those wanting to have dinner before the meeting, drop in from 6pm. The venue offers good meals and kids meals are free with every main meal ordered!

Date: Monday 18th July 2022
Location: Greensborough RSL, 111 Main Street, Greensborough 3088

Sign in at reception upon arrival, head up stairs to the left of main doors, the Club Meeting is located in the room on the left hand side at the top of the stairs.

General Meeting: 7.00pm

Meeting Agenda:

Special Guest Speaker: Robert Pepper

Club Update
Upcoming Trips
Open Forum

Monthly Meeting – 27th June 2022

Due to a double booking at GBRSL, we’ll be moving our monthly meeting to Monday 27th June (same time and location). 

Come and join us for our June Monthly Meeting!

For those wanting to have dinner before the meeting, drop in from 6pm. The venue offers good meals and kids meals are free with every main meal ordered!

Date: Monday 27th June 2022
Location: Greensborough RSL, 111 Main Street, Greensborough 3088

Sign in at reception upon arrival, head up stairs to the left of main doors, the Club Meeting is located in the room on the left hand side at the top of the stairs.

General Meeting: 7.00pm

Meeting Agenda:

Club Update
Special Feature Segment: Past Trips
Upcoming Trips Update
Open Forum