Silo Art Trail – February 2020

Join Mark and Club 4×4 on a family friendly trek through country Victoria, see if the silo art at Roseberry is finished and support some country towns.

Club 4x4 Trip Notice
Trip Location
Location:Western Victoria
Location and/or Description of Trip (Itinerary):

Come along for a easy cruise through the Victorian country side, expecting all black top, possibly a dirt road but no four wheel driving, more a nice country drive with the family.

I plan to stop at each town/silo for a little while to grab some photo's a quick coffee etc.
Lunch Saturday will hopefully be at Nullawil General store.
Dinner Saturday will hopefully be at Hopeton Pub.
Lunch Sunday will hopefully be Boydy's Takeaway in Rupanyup.
Hopefully because I'd like to support the local towns, but they may be closed so please bring a plan B!
After the trip there is Wood's Farming and Heritage Museum in Rupanyup for anyone interested.

We will be doing about 640km start to finish, there will be fuel but probably no Premium unleaded (95 or 98), Woolworths Epsom (Trip start) has 91, 95, 98, Diesel and LPG so we can all start with a full tank!

Day 1
Bendigo -> Rochester -> Nullawil -> Lake Tyrrell Viewing Platform -> Patchewollock (3:30) -> Lascelles -> Woomelang General Store and Café -> Hopetoun, Hopetoun Caravan Park

Day 2
Hopetoun -> Brim -> Rosebery -> Sheep Hills -> Rupanyup -> Home

Start Location:Woolworths Petrol Epsom
Finish Location:Rupanyup
Brief directions to meeting point:

Woolworths Petrol Cnr Howard St and Midland Hwy, meet in shopping centre car park directly next to.

Trip Times
Start Date:08/02/2020
Start Time:09:00 AM
End Date:09/02/2020
End Time:01:00 PM
Date after which Prospective Members may book on the trip:24/11/2019
Trip Details
Trip Rating:Easy
Trip Planning:This is an exploratory trip based on some local knowledge and/or online research of track conditions
Maximum number of vehicles permitted:8
Any specific requirements?

Radio required for convoy driving otherwise nothing special

Trip Leader
Trip Leader Name:Mark Daniels

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